My Learning Diary for the "Introducing Technology-Enhanced Teaching" Course

Did you know that two-thirds of teachers in the European Union learn about ICT in their own time, and almost all are positive about its impact on students, according to the Survey in schools: ICT and education (2013)? Despite this readiness however, many teachers in Europe still have a lack of competence in using ICT in their teaching and use it only to a small extent in their classrooms.

"Technology-enhanced teaching" course badge

In order to meet this challenge, the European project MENTEP (Mentoring Technology-Enhanced Teaching, managed by European Schoolnet Academy and funded by the European Commission) developed an online self-assessment tool to empower teachers to progress in their Technology-Enhanced Teaching (TET) competence at their own pace.

This course was the first in the MENTEP MOOC series on improving Technology-Enhanced Teaching. The MENTEP MOOC series will support the project’s goals to: - Boost teachers’ competence and confidence to use ICT in the classroom - Increase the number of teachers able to innovate using ICT - Enhance the uptake of ICT in teaching and learning - Strengthen the professional profile of the teaching profession - Improve data on teachers’ digital competence and training needs - Promote stronger coherence between EU and national approaches to the assessment of Technology-Enhanced Teaching competence


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